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  • How the piggy bank works


Associated Store: Organizations that, through the Platform, present offers for their products and / or services, and these stores are solely responsible for these offers and for the correct execution and provision of them.

Offer, agreement or promotion: Offers and promotions made by the Associated Stores, which are under the responsibility of them, and which are disclosed on the Platform.

Discount accumulation: Profit, either in points or in cash, which is accumulated in the savings account of the Registered User, as a consequence of having accessed the products and / or services promoted through of the Platform.

Savings account or Piggy Bank: Record of discounts accumulated by the Registered User, which, after reaching a minimum limit, produces a transfer to the bank account indicated by the Registered User. You can also donate amounts to an NGO, or request an Amazon gift card. More detailed information can be found in the "operation of the piggy bank" document.

Reservation / purchase confirmed: Purchase made in Associated Stores that have been validated and approved by the different Associated Stores.


Through the Platform the Registered User has access to the offers and promotions of the Associated Stores. In order to benefit from these promotions, the Registered User must access the Associated Stores through the links and / or codes that are provided by the platform so that purchases are duly registered.

In the event that the Registered Users do not make their purchases through the links provided, the discount percentages corresponding to these purchases will not be reflected in their piggy bank. It is possible that some promotions or offers only generate savings for the first purchase of the user in the Associated Store and, in other occasions, it is possible that the promotion or offer only generates a direct discount on the amount of the purchase, but does not generate savings for the piggy bank.

In both cases, these conditions will appear in the description of the promotion or offer.

The refund percentage of INSPIRING will be applied to the amount of the purchase, discounting the VAT and the management expenses, fees and / or shipping.

Purchases made by the Registered User will be reflected in the piggy bank in a maximum of 5 days. For purchases that are not finally reflected in the piggy bank, Registered Users have a form through which they can process their complaints in the maximum period of 30 days after making the purchase. This form is available on the Platform and INSPIRING will contact the Registered User in order to resolve the incident in the shortest possible time.

Through the piggy bank, the Registered User has information about the transactions made, as well as the amount of money accumulated.

Once a specific amount of money has been accumulated, the Registered User can decide what to do with his accumulated balance.

If the piggy bank does not show any activity for a period of 12 consecutive months (no purchases or access to your account with the user and password), the account of the Registered User will be canceled, without right to reimbursement of the accumulated discounts, which will be paid to INSPIRING as a cost of maintenance of the piggy bank account.

Inspiring selects secure and trusted Associated Stores. However, INSPIRING is not responsible for possible breaches or incidents incurred by any Associated Store with Registered Users, since it is a commercial relationship between said Associated Store and the Registered User. Each Associated Store has its own conditions of sale, so it is important that, before proceeding with the transaction, the Registered User carefully reads the conditions of sale of the Associated Store. In case of detecting any possible malpractice or abuse by an Associated Store, the Registered User must communicate it as soon as possible to INSPIRING, in order to investigate it, and, if necessary, remove it from the Platform.

Likewise, if the Registered User detects any breach or incident or situations that cause the Associated Store to fail to comply with any of the offers or promotions present on the platform, it must notify INSPIRING as soon as possible so that the latter can go to the Associated Store in order to find a solution, always watching over the interests of the Registered User.

States of purchase

The users can check the status of their purchases through the platform. The states that may appear are the following:


The purchase appears as pending a few days after it has been made. It will remain in this state until the provider finally confirms it (process that can take between 30 and 60 days, even in some cases 120 days, depending on the provider).

This is because the provider has to give sufficient margin to comply with the legal terms of changes, returns, possible cancellations of charges and check that the entire process has been correct before accepting it. In the case of reservations of flights, hotels and car rentals, this period of acceptance of the purchase will not begin until after the flight, the check-out at the hotel or the return of the vehicle, since there may be last-minute cancellations.

In the event that the purchase has not been registered automatically and is claimed by the user, the purchase will be reflected in his piggy bank manually pending status (after checking access to the offer) and will be claimed from the supplier. The confirmation process may take longer than established, because it must be checked that the purchase has been completed correctly through the web portal.


A purchase can be denied by the provider for different reasons, including:

  • The order / reservation has been canceled,
  • During the purchase a code / coupon not available or cumulative on the platform has been used.
  • Modifications have been made to the reservation outside the platform.
  • The purchase process was not successful.
  • Accepted

    This status indicates that you can request a refund of your purchase, as long as the minimum amount required in the Piggy Bank Account has been accumulated.

    Redemption pending

    The purchase goes from Accepted to Pending once the transfer has been requested to the current account.

    The refund can take between 7-15 days, as long as the indicated account number is correct.


    The transfer has been successful.

    The periods mentioned are indicative and respond to the usual operations of the Platform, without prejudice to the fact that they may be subject to variations.

    Effect on the piggy bank in case of user withdrawal

    In the event of the voluntary withdrawal of a Registered User, he will be responsible for requesting the refund of the money accumulated in his piggy bank that are in an accepted state (provided that he reaches the minimum required) before requesting the withdrawal. Purchases that are in pending status at the time of withdrawal will not be reintegrated.

    Cancellation of service by contracting companies

    If the contracting company of the INSPIRING service decides to terminate the contractand there will be a confirmed balance accumulated in the piggy bank, INSPIRING will send a notification of cancellation of the account to the User and, if there is a confirmed balance in the piggy bank, it may be integrated into the account specified by the Registered User in his profile, minus €5 in transfer and administration expenses. This refund will be made as long as the refund is confirmed by the provider. If the balance not confirmed on the date of notice of the withdrawal will not be refunded in any case.

    Warranty and liability

    Being a direct commercial relationship between the Associated Store and the Registered User, INSPIRING is not responsible for possible breaches or incidents incurred by any Associated Store, its products or services with Registered Users. Each Associated Store has its own sales conditions, so it is important that the Registered User read them carefully before proceeding to perform any operation. In the event that the changes made by the Associated Stores at the time of requesting the discounts, due to lack of places or stock of the products or services, are different from those offered through the Platform, INSPIRING is not responsible for these variations.

    INSPIRING is not responsible for incidents related, directly or indirectly, to failures in the Platform due to incidents with the technological providers that host the Platform, malfunctioning of the Internet, telecommunications servers or electronic mail. As well as possible manipulations or illicit actions by the users of the platform.

    The publication of an offer or promotion erroneously by INSPIRING, about the percentage or amount of the discount to be applied by any Associated Store, will cause INSPIRING to cover the difference of the error, provided that the Registered User does not act in bad faith, the amount does not exceed fifty euros and / or 5% of the total discount of the purchase and the user has not received from INSPIRING, or from the Associated Store itself, notices that indicate a different discount amount. The Registered User will be obliged to inform INSPIRING of the errors in the publication of discounts as soon as they become aware of them, by sending an email to the customer service address of INSPIRING: [email protected].

    In the event that the user withdraws the purchase or service contracted with the associated store, INSPIRING will not accumulate a corresponding discount in the piggy bank of the Registered User, or discount it if it has been carried out.