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Terms and Conditions

We are happy to allow you access and use of this platform. Please take time to read these website terms and conditions, including our linked to privacy notice and cookies policy (together, the "terms") before proceeding, as they set out our agreement with you about use of the website and are legally binding. By registering for this website, you expressly accept these terms.

Save as set out in these terms, your use of this website and the content and services which may be accessed through it is at your own risk.


For this reason, please carefully read these terms before taking any action. You can write to [email protected] if you have any questions.

Any changes made to these terms will be posted on this page as amended terms and you will be asked to accept them. If you do not accept the amended terms, you will not be authorised to continue to use this website.


  • 1.1. This website is owned and operated by Inspiring Benefits, S.L. ("Inspiring"), a company registered in Spain under company number B85936680. Our registered principal address is at Calle Velázquez, número 86D, 28006 Madrid Madrid.

  • 1.2. Your contractual relationship in relation to this website is with Inspiring and not with any of our affiliates or their respective third party service providers or subcontractors. If you click on a link and are redirected to any third party's website, including an associated merchant’s website, neither we nor the Aon Group are responsible for any content on, or your use of, the third party's website and you may be required to agree separate terms with the relevant third party.

  • 1.3. References in this website to:

    • "Aon Group" include Inspiring and its affiliates.
    • "associated merchant" means the organisation which offers its products and/or services via links from this website.
    • "cashback" means the notional payment of a credit into your piggy bank equivalent to the discount applied by an associated merchant when you take up an offer or promotion;
    • "contracting company" means the organisation which has procured access to this website on your behalf.
    • "offer" or "promotion" means an offer or promotion made available by an associated merchant and displayed on or via this website;
    • "piggy bank" means a register of the cashback accumulated by you which once you have reached a minimum amount, you can request to have the monetary equivalent transferred into your personal bank account;
    • "we", "our" or "us" are references to Inspiring, the Aon Group and/or their respective third-party service providers and/or subcontractors.
    • "you" and "your" means each natural or legal person who has registered to use this website or the services.
  • 1.4. Headings used in these terms are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.
  • 1.5. In these terms, unless specified otherwise, use of the singular includes the plural, use of any gender is deemed to include every gender and any reference to a person includes a corporation, a partnership and any other body or entity, and vice versa.
  • 1.6. Use of the words, includes or including or similar words or phrases means without limitation and the use of these or similar words or phrases shall not limit the meaning of the general words.


  • The access, registration for, and use of this website is voluntary and at no cost to you. Upon having met the eligibility conditions for registration, and having registered, you may access the websites of associate merchants to obtain offers or promotions upon the purchase of certain products and/or services offered by such associated merchants (the "services"). But, you are under no obligation to conduct any business with associated merchants.


  • 3.1 To gain access to the services, you must register by completing the following steps:
    • a. Complete a registration form: ensuring that all your information is up to date, truthful, and lawful.
    • b. Read and accept these terms (including our privacy notice) prior to sending your registration form.
    • c. Confirm your registration for the services via an e-mail that you will receive in the inbox of the email address which you entered in the registration form.
  • 3.2. By registering for the services, you confirm that you are over 18 years old. If you permit a minor to access and use this website, it must be with the consent of their parents or guardians who will be solely responsible for any actions taken in connection with this website on behalf of the minor.
  • 3.3. Upon registration, you will nominate your email address ("user ID") and password so that you may access the services. This password is personal and non-transferable. You are solely responsible for keeping the password a secret and for the consequences of its loss or any unauthorised access. We take no responsibility for any liability arising from the wrongful or unauthorised use of passwords by third parties.
  • 3.4. In the section entitled "My Profile" of this website, you can amend your personal information including your password. You are responsible for ensuring that your personal information is kept up-to-date.


  • 4.1. The information on this website does not constitute pensions, retirement, financial, investment, tax, legal or any other advice.
  • 4.2. This website holds information about associated merchants' products and services which may be of interest to you. Neither we nor the Aon Group are recommending any product or service and any decision to purchase any product or services is solely yours.
  • 4.3. There are risks in using any information, software or products on the internet and we caution you to make sure you completely understand these before retrieving, using, relying upon or purchasing anything via the internet. It is your responsibility to verify any information before relying on it.
  • 4.4. We are not responsible for opinions published on third party webpages or forums referring to the services available through this website and/or the associated merchants nor are we responsible for any content generated by users of this website. If we become aware of users publishing defamatory or libellous content on this website, we will remove such content from our website and reserve the right to take further action.


  • 5.1. You must always access offers and promotions by using the links from this website together with the codes or coupons provided to ensure that the offer or promotion is upheld by the associated merchant and purchase confirmed.
  • 5.2. You acknowledge that codes or coupons not obtained from this website but used in conjunction with an offer or promotion will often result in cashback not being credited to your piggy bank.
  • 5.3. All offers and promotions are subject to availability and the terms and conditions of the associated merchant. You should check these, and availability, with the associated merchant.
  • 5.4. Offers and promotions cannot be combined with other offers and promotions unless explicitly stated in the terms and conditions of the associated merchant.
  • 5.5. Discounts will be applied to your purchase total, excluding VAT and shipping fees.
  • 5.6. Some offers or promotions only generate a discount upon the first purchase of a product or services from the associated merchant. Meanwhile, there are other offers and promotions that will generate a discount on each purchase with the associated merchant, but do not generate cashback into your piggy bank. In both cases, this will be set out in the description of the offer or promotion.
  • 5.7. We are not responsible for any misuse of the codes or coupons and the associated merchant may refuse to apply the discount for persons other than registered users of this website, unless otherwise indicated in the conditions of the offer or promotion.


  • 6.1. Whilst we are not responsible for offers and promotions which are subject to the terms and conditions of the associated merchant, we are responsible for and manage your piggy bank.
  • 6.2. Through the “Piggy Bank” section of this website, you will see a list of all the purchases you have made together with their status and the cashback in your piggy bank. The statuses that may appear are the following:
  • Status of purchases

    Your purchase will appear as pending a few days after it has been made. It will remain in this state until the associated merchant validates it. This process that can take between 30 to 60 days, but in some cases, may take up to 120 days.

    The associated merchant has to allow sufficient time to comply with its legal term and conditions relating to changes, returns, refunds and potential cancellations before it may validate the purchase. In the case of reservations of flights, hotels and car rentals, this period will not begin until after the flight, check-out at the hotel or return of the vehicle.

    In the event that the purchase has not been registered automatically and is claimed by the user, the purchase will be reflected in the user’s piggy bank manually pending status (after checking access to the offer) and will be claimed from the supplier. This confirmation process may take longer than usual as it must be checked that the purchase has been completed correctly through the web portal.


    A purchase may be denied by an associated merchant for different reasons, including:

    • The purchase has been cancelled.
    • There is suspected fraudulent activity
    • An invalid code or coupon has been used or a code or coupon has been used cumulatively with another offer or promotion where this is not permitted.
    • Changes have been made to the purchase outside of the offer or promotion.
    • The purchase process was not successful.

    This status indicates that a purchase has been validated by the associated merchant as a transaction qualifying for the offer or promotion, and you may request the payment of cashback credited to your piggy bank provided that the minimum threshold for a transfer has been met.

    Redemption pending

    This status indicates that you have requested the payment of cashback in your piggy bank to your personal bank account. This transfer can take between 7 to 15 days as long as your bank account details are correct.


    The transfer has been successful.

    **Please note that the periods mentioned are indicative only.

  • 6.3. If a purchase does not show as "pending" please complete a contact form to enquire. We will use reasonable endeavours to investigate with the associate merchant subject to our right to cease investigations at any point at our discretion.
  • 6.4. Purchases made by you which generate cashback will be reflected in your piggy bank within a maximum of 35 days of the date of purchase. If the purchase is not displayed in your piggy bank within 35 days, please complete a contact form to enquire further.
  • 6.5. The balance of your piggy bank does not itself represent a sum of money held by Inspiring on your behalf.
  • 6.6. If you cancel a purchase with an associated merchant within the purchase cancellation period, we will not credit your piggy bank with the cashback, and if cashback has already been applied to your piggy bank, it will be withdrawn.
  • 6.7. Once the minimum of £20 of cashback has accumulated in your piggy bank, you may request that we pay cashback into your personal bank account indicated in your "My Profile" section. It is your responsibility to ensure your correct details are submitted. We shall not be responsible for any cashback being sent to an incorrect destination where you have provided incorrect details. Such payments may not be recoverable and or may be subject to a recovery fee.
  • 6.8. We reserve the right to suspend cashback payments at any time, without notice to you, if we reasonably suspect fraudulent activity has taken place.
  • 6.9. Where we are assisting in the advertisement of associated merchants’ products and services by sending to them potential online customers, the associated merchants may pay us a commission on "accepted" purchases. Part of this commission is what we pay to you in cashback.
  • 6.10. The legal title in any cashback does not pass to you until it has been successfully transferred from your piggy bank to your personal bank account.
  • 6.11. You acknowledge that the associate merchant’s decision is final in relation to the payment of commission to us and in turn, our decision is final in relation to paying cashback to you. We will make all reasonable endeavours to secure the payment of commission on an accepted purchase, but we do not and cannot make any guarantee in this regard. In the event we do not receive the expected commission for an accepted purchase for whatever reason, we will not be liable to pay the relevant cashback to you.
  • 6.12. We reserve the right to reclaim or adjust any cashback payments made to you in the event that any cashback is paid to you in error, including where cashback is not genuinely due to you or where any commission for an accepted purchase has not been received from an associated merchant but has been paid over to you in error.


  • 7.1. When using this website, you must comply with the provisions of our acceptable use policy as set out in clause 8 below.
  • 7.2. Your subscription to this website may also be subject to conditions of use imposed by the contracting company. When using this website, you give your consent for us to share statistical information with the contracting company.
  • 7.3. We reserve the right to suspend, withdraw or restrict access to the website, or any part of it, at any time for any purpose we deem reasonable, without notice. This includes where we believe that you have breached these terms.
  • 7.4. We shall not be obliged to restore any of your data which may be deleted in the course of suspending, withdrawing or restricting your access to the website. It is your responsibility to print out and/or save any materials or data which you may require in the future.
  • 7.5. These terms govern your access to information available on the website including information you provide, and facilities and services offered via the website.
  • 7.6. You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to our website including accessing the internet and installing, configuring and obtaining licences for any software required to use and access this website and for ensuring that software is operating properly.
  • 7.7. You must keep your user ID, password and any other information as confidential, and you must not disclose it to any third party. You are solely responsible for all use of the website when access is obtained through the use of your user ID and password, whether or not authorised. For your security, we recommend that you close all open browsers relating to this website on completion of your visit.


  • 8.1. You may only use this website and any services provided through it for lawful purposes. You must comply with the acceptable use policy set out in this clause ("acceptable use policy").
  • 8.2 .You must not nor, must you allow another person to:
  • 8.2.1. knowingly transmit any data, send or upload any material that is corrupt or contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware or perform any act that would cause the website to become unavailable for use by others (including via any form of denial-of service attack);
  • 8.2.2. access without authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt any part of our website, any software, the server or other equipment or network used in the provision of our website (including where owned or used by any third party).
  • 8.3. Breach of these above two requirements is a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report any such breach and disclose your identity to the relevant law enforcement authorities.
  • 8.4. Additionally, you agree not to use this website or to allow another person to use this website (including any content or materials on the website):
  • 8.4.1. in any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation;
  • 8.4.2. in any way that is fraudulent or has any fraudulent purpose or effect;
  • 8.4.3. for your own or another person’s commercial purposes;
  • 8.4.4. to modify, adapt, decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software comprised in or in any way making up a part of the website or services provided by the website;
  • 8.4.5. to scrape, reproduce, duplicate, copy, modify, distribute, publish, resell or transmit any element comprised in this website, including any software comprised in it, the content or the services provided through it;
  • 8.4.6. to harm or attempt to harm minors in any way;
  • 8.4.7. to send, knowingly receive, upload, download, post, distribute, disseminate, or otherwise transmit, any material which is inaccurate, illegal, defamatory, offensive, infringing, obscene, indecent, unsolicited, unauthorised (including "spam") or otherwise objectionable or which may expose you or us to legal action or reputational damage;
  • 8.4.8. to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorised access to or interfere with, damage or disrupt any part of this website, any computer systems, equipment, software or networks on or through which this website is stored or operated;
  • 8.4.9. to access or interfere with another person’s records, impersonate another person or create or use a false identity or e-mail address;
  • 8.4.10. to use any technology or processes of any kind to access, acquire, copy, monitor, navigate or search the website or any portion of it (including the use of data mining, robots or similar data gathering and extraction tools); or
  • 8.4.11. in any way that is not authorised by us.
  • 8.5. You will fully co-operate with us where any law enforcement authorities, regulators or court order requests or directs us to disclose the identity or locate anyone posting any material in breach of our acceptable use policy.


  • 9.1. We may monitor and log user activity, and any material contributed by users for security purposes and to identify any actual or potential misuse of the website.
  • 9.2. Failure to comply with our acceptable use policy constitutes a material breach of these terms.
  • 9.3. Where we have reason to believe that you have, or you are likely to, use the website in breach of our acceptable use policy, we may take such action as we reasonably deem appropriate including: immediate, temporary or permanent withdrawal of your right to use the website; immediate, temporary or permanent removal of any material contributed by you to the website; legal proceedings against you; and/or disclosure of such information to law enforcement authorities or regulators as we reasonably feel is necessary.


  • 10.1. At any time, you can cancel your subscription to services available through this website through the "My Profile" section. If you decide to voluntarily cancel your subscription, you can request that the cashback total in your piggy bank is paid into your personal bank account, as indicated in the "My Profile" section in respect of "accepted" purchases only. We will deduct £10 (ten pounds sterling) and apply it towards the cost of the bank transfer and administrative fees.
  • 10.2. The contracting company will notify us if it wishes to cancel your subscription to the services, and your registration will be automatically cancelled. We will give you notice of such cancellation. We will transfer the cashback total in your piggy bank into your personal bank account, as indicated in the "My Profile" section in respect of "accepted" purchases only. We will deduct £10 (ten pounds sterling) and apply it towards the cost of the bank transfer and administrative fees.
  • 10.3. In the event that your account is inactive for a period of 12 months, your access will be cancelled, and you will forego the right to the cashback in your piggy bank.


  • 11.1. We aim to select safe and trustworthy associated merchants. However, we are not responsible for products or services provided by associated merchants. Each associated merchant has its own sales conditions, and we recommend that you carefully read these conditions prior to making any purchase.
  • 11.2. Subject to clause 11.5, you agree that we are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage you may suffer or incur in connection with the terms and conditions applying to any contract entered into or varied by you with any associated merchant in relation to any product or services nor for any acts, omissions, errors or defaults of any associated merchant in connection with those terms and conditions.
  • 11.3. It is your responsibility to seek independent advice or otherwise satisfy yourself that you wish to buy, sell or request a change to any product or services before doing so.
  • 11.4. Should an associated merchant make change(s) to an offer or promotion (including its cancellation) following publication of the link together with code or coupon on this website, we take no responsibility for any such change(s).
  • 11.5. In the event that we erroneously publish an offer or promotion, we will cover the cost of the error, provided that: (i) you did not act in bad faith; (ii) the total cost is not more than £50 (fifty pounds Sterling) or 5% (five percent) of the offered discount, whichever is greater; and (iii) you did not receive notifications from either the associated merchant or us notifying you of the error. Please communicate to us any error regarding the publication of offers or promotions as soon as you discover it by sending an email to [email protected].
  • 11.6. Should you detect any malpractices or abuses by an associated merchant, we request that you notify us at [email protected] so as soon as possible so that we can investigate and, if necessary, remove links to such associated merchant from this website.


  • 12.1. All intellectual property rights in the website, in the material published on it and in its component systems are owned by, licensed or sub-licensed to Inspiring. All content on the website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved.
  • 12.2. You must not remove any acknowledgement that we or any of our contributors is the author of any website content.
  • 12.3. If the website permits, you may download or print certain content or individual sections or pages of the website for your own use.
  • 12.4. You must not use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from any accompanying text or explanation.
  • 12.5. You must not post to any social media or modify the paper or digital copies of any materials that you have printed off or downloaded from this website.
  • 12.6. You must not modify, adapt, copy, distribute, download (except for page caching as required to view this website on the internet in accordance with these terms), or post material from the website, nor may you store any part of the website in any other website or include it in any public or private electronic retrieval system or service.
  • 12.7. If you print off, copy, download or post to social media any part of our website in breach of these terms you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made.
  • 12.8. You must not use any part of the materials on our website for commercial purposes without first obtaining our written consent. To enquire, please contact us at [email protected]


  • The existence of a link through to an associated merchant’s website is not a recommendation of the product of services offered on any such website or by its owners. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the content of those websites nor the services or products offered through such websites. It is your responsibility to check the terms and conditions of any other websites or resources you may visit, and you use them, and the products and/or services made available through them at your own risk.


  • You are permitted to link to our website where the link is for internal purposes only. You are not permitted to link (or encourage any third party to link) any page on a third-party website to any part of our website including by framing or hypertext link.


  • To the fullest extent possible under any applicable law we exclude all warranties whether express or implied with regard to this website, its content and any services accessed through it.


  • 16.1. Nothing in these terms excludes or limits any liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.
  • 16.2. Subject to clause 16.1, we do not accept liability for: any conditions, warranties or other terms which might otherwise be implied by law, statute, common law of the law of equity; losses or damage caused to you in connection with or resulting from your improper use of this website; other websites linked to the website or any content, materials or information posted on such websites; any services obtained through the website, including liability for loss of income or revenue; loss of profits (whether direct or indirect);loss of contracts; loss of anticipated savings; loss, corruption or misuse of data; loss or damage caused by unavailability of this website; and loss or damage caused by actions taken in response to breaches of our acceptable use policy.
  • 16.3. Whilst we take reasonable steps to ensure that the content of this website is accurate, current and complete, this website and the content and services available via it are provided "as is". We do not accept liability for the accuracy or completeness of any website content. We do not accept liability for any errors or omissions or for the content becoming out of date. We recommend that you confirm the accuracy and completeness of any website content before relying on it.
  • 16.4. Although we take all reasonable steps to protect our systems using virus checking software, please note that any content downloaded from the website is at your own risk. We do not accept liability for any loss or damage that you suffer as a result of any distributed denial-of-service attacks, computer viruses, Trojan horses, worms, software bombs or other damaging items resulting from your use of the website (including links to any associated merchants’ websites). You are responsible for protecting your computer systems from exposure to viruses by the use of anti-virus software, firewalls and any other technical measures necessary.
  • 16.5. Should this website be temporarily unavailable, we will take necessary steps to resolve any issue(s), but we do not guarantee the complete, error-free and continuous availability of this website, which might be affected by routine maintenance and updates. We shall not be liable to you or any third party if for any reason this website, or any part of it, is unavailable at any time or for any period of time.
  • 16.6. We do not charge you a fee for access to and use of this website. On this basis, our total liability for any losses and/or damage suffered by you will be limited to £500 (five hundred pounds Sterling).


  • 17.1. Please note that information about you is processed in accordance with Inspiring’s privacy notice which forms part of these terms. It is important that you check our privacy policy and that you agree to its contents before you continue using this website. Your continued use of this website will be deemed to confirm that you agree to our privacy notice and cookies policy and that they apply to your use of this website and all of the information you provide via this website.
  • 17.2. Whenever you are asked to provide information in connection with this website or the related services, you agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete details. It is your responsibility to check your data to ensure that it is correct and up to date and to advise us or amend it as necessary.
  • 17.3. We shall not be subject to any obligations of confidentiality regarding submitted information except as outlined in our privacy notice notice or as otherwise specifically agreed or required by law.


  • 18.1. Each of the provisions of these terms (or part of any provision) is severable. If any such provision is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any jurisdiction that shall not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the other provisions of these terms. The provision itself shall apply with the minimum modification necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable.
  • 18.2. Failure or delay by us in enforcing these terms shall not be a waiver of that or any other provision of these terms.
  • 18.3. None of these terms shall be enforceable by any third party.
  • 18.4. You may not assign any of your rights or obligations under these terms.
  • 18.5. These terms (including for the avoidance of doubt our privacy notice) constitute the whole agreement and understanding between you and us in relation to their subject matter and the use of this website. Except in case of fraud, all previous agreements, understandings, undertakings, representations, warranties, promises and arrangements between you and us relating to the subject matter of these terms or your use of this website are superseded, except as otherwise expressly stated in these terms.
  • 18.6. We reserve the right at any time to remove, amend, update or vary this website or any content on any page of this website, including these terms, to reflect changes to our services or products, our users’ needs or our business priorities. We will try to give you reasonable notice of any major changes.
  • 18.7. You agree that any notices and other communication may be given by us by e-mail or posted on this website and this will comply with any legal requirement for such communications to be in writing. You also agree that any notice or other communication made in such manner will be deemed received by you twenty-four (24) hours after e-mail or posting.


  • 19.1. These terms and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
  • 19.2. The English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine or otherwise settle any claim, suit, dispute or action arising out of or in connection with these terms or their subject matter or a visit to this website or use of the services.


  • 20.1. There is a contact form on this website which you can complete if you have any complaints, claims or questions.
  • 20.2. If you are unhappy with our services, and the response that you have received from submitting a contact form, has failed to alleviate your concerns, please register a complaint with Aon’s Compliance Team who will ensure that your complaint is referred to an appropriate person:
    • By post: inspiring Benefits, S.L. c/o Aon UK Limited, Compliance Team, 3 The Embankment, Sovereign Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1 4BJ
    • Telephone: 0113 3943445
    • By e-mail: [email protected]
  • 20.3. Copies of our complaint handling procedures are available on request.